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PRESENT Peter Maynard-Lewisham; John Denton chair; Julie Fitton Treasurer; Denny Senner secretary; Guy Gibson Trewsbury; Jane Wilbraham Paul Hedge Longton Nursey; Dave Gibbins Jim Hurren ; Mark Kyriakides claudette Green Meadow close; Stephen Senner Rachel Allard Knapmill way; Dorian Watkins Ron Melluish Taylors lane; Joff Bukht Castillon rd; Dusty Rhodeo Amanda Seaborn Slaithwaite; Rita Hooks Wanda von Teichmeider Hazelbank; Emilia Lorusso Peter Wood Barmeston APOLOGIES Bob Rogers royal naval; Stephanie Brooks Hurstbourne; Sandra Morris Ballamore; Steve Belk Trewsbury PREVIOUS MINUTES agreed MATTERS ARISING *water metering. Issues where change from Thames to Castle still ongoing. *Face book page. Not yet done. John to look into actioning this. SECRETARYS REPORT *Awards Event..despite torrential downpour on the day, approx 85 attended, plus Katy Delaney from Lewisham and Damien Egan (mayor)-much appreciated- with 19 sites taking part in the event. The feedback from the evening was all positive. Congratulations to all the winning plotholders and their sites.. especially Exford Rd who won best in borough and the Jane Cobold cup. Very well deserved. The mayor has expressed desire to visit our winning site in the summer. (Also to give prizes again next event) Also well done to our ‘most impressive veg’ winner and ‘best photo’ winner. Much appreciation goes to all who made the event work so well – sites that took part, judges, organisers, and everyone who attended the event (especially grateful for all contributions of delicious food and drink)and helped with

setting up/down. And to Sean our camera man. ALL POLTHOLDERS/FAMILY/FRIENDS ALWAYS WELCOME the event is a celebration of our gardening community.please come next time if you can. This year we will be searching for a new venue...please let us know any suggestions. Training for 2019 event will be in spring..details to follow.(new partisipants very isn’t a big commitment and is always enjoyed by those who take part) Ideas to improve event very welcome..let denny know. We also need a new “camera man” as Sean wont be available this year. Its a commitment of 1 days filming, editing, and evening presentation. Paul offered to contact Goldsmiths media course to see if a student would be interested. Any other volunteers please let us know asap- sites asked to have a chat with plotholders to see if anyone is willing and able! *Positive reports coming from sites re nominations. Thanks expressed to Peter for his hard work and support in this and other matters throughout past year. *FOODCYCLE...interest expressed during year to see if we as a community could support current schemes to use any excess produce we may generate as sites. Lewisham foodcycle(connected to timebank scheme) would be very grateful for donations of fresh food delivered to the Irish centre in catford early Saturday mornings. They cook a hot meal for those who turn up and distribute left overs to those present. Please speak to your plot holders about this scheme...We’d like to support this, perhaps with people growing a little extra with this purpose in mind. CHAIRS REPORT *Please let John know if your site would like us to visit you informally. This can be if you are struggling with something, or to share good practice. *The lewisham free space report will be published this month..impact on sites yet to be known. Free to download for your information.

*Good news that Longton Nursery have finally won a hard fought planning battle and secured the future of many plots on their site. Sites facing similar issues would be welcome to contact them for advice. *Countryside trust- John facilitated the contact between sites and this organisation which takes children from the city to show how we grow food. Awaiting feedback. TREASURES REPORT *100% collection of levy last year (£705) *financial statement circulated.balance £522. Spend forecast estimate £840 Accounts accepted. Proposed Guy Gibson ELECTION OF OFFICERS Chair – John Denton Proposed Guy Gibson, seconded Paul Hedge Treasurer- Julie Fitton Proposed Jane wilbraham, seconded Claudette Green Secretary- Denny Senner Proposed Dave Gibbins, seconded Rita Hooks LEWISHAM PERSPECTIVE...PETER MAYNARD *Waiting list management...Peter available for calls re this Tues/Fri. Portal use is key to making this work..any problems please contact Peter who’ll be happy to assist.

1,300 applications deleted as out date etc, but 1,600 added. Demand for plots is high as ever, with allocations now more efficient. Site management is key to plots across our borough being properly worked and our community properly served. Leads onto.. *Training. Workshop run by Peter as last year. Details to in march/April suggested. (To include looking at safety concerns where mental health of plotholders is an issue, in light of murder of a site secretary last year) *Management Agreement. Initially meetings planned with committee, then details will be rolled out to all sites for full consultation. *Greening fund. Mayoral fund, managed by Peter (£quarter million!) To improve and enhance green spaces. Currently Peter is looking to help fund installation of composting him If interested PROPOSITIONS/PROPOSALS .. none A.O.B. *Waste removal from sites. Issue at dump has occured for Royal Naval site, who’ve been turned away for bringing too much/too often that isn’t classified as ‘household’. Suggestions -plotholders who bring things on, its up to them to remove. However, this doesn’t cover historical waste or people who don’t do this when they leave. (Peter happy to advise) -skip. Green bins collected by council. Licenced waste collection. -arrange for free collection of metal *Manure-John to look into reestablishing deliveries Next meeting TBC............Closed 8.40pm

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