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AGM 2015



PRESENT: Glynis Nolan, Bernadette Thompson- Blackhorse Road; Stephanie Brook- Hurstbourne Road; Andrew Bartlett- Priestfield Rd; Katy Delaney – LBL; Mark Kyriakides, Julie Fitton- Meadow Close; Paul Taylor- Royal Naval; Simon Fraser- Firhill South; Dave Gibbins- Jim Hurren; Stephen Senner, Bob and Lynn Hubbard- Knapmill; Geoff Richardson- Castillon; Sibylle Nalezinski- Romborough Gardens; John Denton-Chinbrook Meadows; Dorian Watkins, Ron Melluish- Taylors Lane; Steve Belk- Trewsbury Rd; Ray Gibson- Barmeston Rd; Denny Senner- Knapmill

APOLOGIES: Bob Rogers/Sandra Morris/Claudette Green/Rachel Allard/Gerry Hlodak



We have all seen funding cuts in services across the borough, and councils have been directed to sell off land and property to replace these cuts from government.

Allotment services now have a minimal budget from the council, and demands on the allotment team (katy!) have been increased from green services.

The message we are getting is that we, as sites, receive 60% of rental income, and so need to be more self supporting and responsible for our own sites.

In line with this, discussion was opened up as to whether committee members felt that the association had a role to play, or whether sites should go it alone?

-Sites are being sold off across the country, and whilst Lewisham has not revealed plans to do this, it was felt we are stronger and more protected as a body of sites, rather than small vunerable units.

-As an association we can be more proactive in fighting changes

-sites who felt they didn’t want to be involved in socials / awards were encouraged by others at meeting to consider the benefits of building links with other sites, and opening themselves up to the wealth of knowledge and experience that they could gain and also share. This was especially felt by those involved in the judging process who visited a few sites each.

-the awards competition was especially commented on in that it could be used in a very positive way by committees to focus plotholders on improving the condition of their plots and the site as a whole- encouraging people to work together, and feeling pride in their site, building rapport between the committee and plotholders which helps when other issues connected to tenancy matters, or work days arises.

-Feedback from those that received awards-especially new plotholders-said how encouraged they felt, and what a good idea the event was. It was felt that healthy competition along with rewarding exceptional plots/sites can only be a positive thing for all concerned.

There was feedback that some sites didn’t want to be involved, and so perhaps the awards event being more of a social event would help to address this whilst still including those who weren’t directly interested in competition. This idea to be decided at a follow up meeting.

SUMMARY: It was felt by the meeting that we did need an association to unify/represent all sites.

Also, that organised events such as socials/awards events were important in building relationships across all sites- however the actual format of the events needed more discussion so that all sites were involved and motivated by them.


SITES- Some sites do have money put by, and when applying to the council for maintenance will have to consider using some towards costs where possible.

It is down to each committee to raise / save enough money to cover its costs.

LEVY- A levy has been suggested to fund the work of the association.

The chair pointed out that constitutionally we have given insufficient notice of this proposal and asked the meeting whether they would prefer we delay the vote on it until committees have consulted further.

This was unanimously rejected and the feeling was ‘’its only a £1-get on with it!’’ 17 voted for this, 2 by proxy were against it.


1. £1 per plot per year collected together with the rent but sent separately as a lump sum from each site to the association treasurer.

2.20p per rod per plot per year sent as above.

14 votes for £1 / 3 votes for 20p (2 proxy votes against a levy)

It was felt that £1 was a very nominal amount and a set fee was simpler to execute as a flat rate towards each persons contribution to the association which all plotholders belong.

This will be implemented when rents are next requested in 2016.

Details to follow.


I. Basic running costs of admin/AGM ect which though minimal is currently covered by officers

ii. cost of the awards event/competition. An entry fee was suggested, but it was felt this would discourage participation. This year the event was more of a social, and this idea needs to be promoted so the event includes all who would like to be there from all sites

(point 4 on agenda)iii. if the levy left the association with an excess- which was unlikely- it was suggested that small projects which sites couldn’t fund themselves could be considered to use the money.

This would be decided if and when the money was available at the next AGM


Leaving all matters to the AGM can mean that some issues aren’t being properly addressed, so we may need meetings in between.

It was agreed that any meeting called needs to be justified and for a specific reason.

It was felt another meeting needed to be scheduled to go over the details relating to the new levy, and to decide on the format and details of the awards event. This will be set in Feburary. (date to follow)


Visits: Royal Naval / Clarendon Rise / Kendale/ Blackhorse Rd / Broadmead/ Jim Hurren – all sites received a visit from the judges of awards competition except Hurstbourne and Castillon Rd.

Sites made officers and judges very welcome and all visits were felt to be productive and a good opportunity to discuss good practice and any issues.

A schedule of visits will continue in 2016, with sites not seen at AGM or with issues given priority


Paulette is unable to be here and has not sent a report. She has explained she is very busy, and agreed it will be better for a new officer to take over. She was thanked for her work over the years.

Balance in account is £35


CHAIR- John Denton / SECRETARY- Denny Senner / Treasurer- Julie Fitton (welcome to Julie and appreciation for taking on the role this year)

PREVIOUS MINUTES: agreed with 2 corrections to attendees


-NON CULTIVATION: Personal approach and building relationships where possible will help when resolving issues. However, warnings and notices/ evictions are options sites may need to follow if all else fails.

Plots are a lot of work and new tenants need to be made aware of this.

-STEALING: Those caught stealing from others plots can lose their tenancies and if this happens, please let Katy know so that person can not reapply for a plot elsewhere in the borough.

-BREAKINS: Increased poverty and homelessness will make sheds especially more vunerable. Site security is important, and committees need to take measures to ensure gates are locked properly

-WEBSITE: Address and details will be recirculated. It can then be used to post questions which others may be able to help with.






Please come if you can, or send feedback on the points re levy / awards event/ socials


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